Hey there! Today I wrote another blog post about my final project. It was cool and you should go see it :
During today's 20% time, I did not do anything excepting for writing that blog post. If I am done with this project, is this the last reflection?? That is the question I wanted to be answered. And What I can do after this project? Over all I am pretty happy with this project because it taught me how to use command blocks. If you need more information about the project, go see my other post. Here is a screenshot about my post I just did.
I really like this project and writing 11 posts about this project. I hope you enjoyed about all these project and join my server! BYE!
I have been working with minecraft lately and trying to get some great commands working. I got some long commands from LogDotZip's youtube channel. There is one that can spawn a ultron from avengers2 age of ultron. It was really hard to kill and it can spawn minions to fight you. next time I might create some commands or I will just play some more cool long commands from LogDotZip. I just realized that if I change some of the varibles of original coding, I can get more fun to play with that command.
these are some simple commands in minecraft and of course, there are hard ones like this
that would be VERY hard to do. And you can use commands to create a server too. This is what I did this past Tuesday. Thanks for viewing!
I will be doing a 20% time project and the posts I did before are just researches. So I am planning to use commands to summon a chest on top of the command block, then inside the chest, there will be 1000000 fully enchanted diamond armors and
diamond swords.
Also I will be making a huge room with all the commands inside that no one can access except for me.
Then I might open it for LAN so everyone else can enjoy it. It would be very fun and I have the total control of the server. We can play mini games in there and have fun building houses. I might post my server address on this or another blogger post. I hope many people will join it so it can be more fun that ever! I hope you can play too!
The game Minecraft is really fun. It is not very hard, if you are playing on survival single player. It can also be very socializing, too.
Like me, sometimes when I go play mineplex(which is world's biggest multiplayer server and I think everyone should play it)I just hang out in the lobby and talk to strangers and friends. They can even send a friend request so next time you can find them when they are online. It is really fun except for servers. Another thing I play is a realm created by
Gohawks0223 which is my friend. And We can just play in there. It is a SMP(survival multiplayer) and it is really cool.
The graphics are really good except for potential lag which can cause problems while fighting other people.
I think the sound it pretty cool. All the mobs have a different hit sound,different dying sound, and a normal sound that they just create at random. And placing any block can cause a sound. Walking on any block can cause some sounds, too. And even nothing can cause any sound right now, it will play the background music which is very cool and creepy.
It has a very good design, every once a while it updates to fix some errors. Every half a year or so, a new version of Minecraft comes out. like the minecraft 1.9 that just came out, every update is really cool. Overall, I think this game is really cool and every should get it. It only cost 26 dollars which is not expensive. So get one and play on for a long time until a new more fun game comes out! Bye!
Today I did a lot of stuff. First, I wrote some codes for my command block. Like /gamemode 1, / weather clear etc. I twas really fun. I also used /give @a minecraft:diamond_block 64 and repeated it forever. Then the mext second, I was full inventory of diamond block!
Next time I want to do more commands and research on a lot of /spawn commands. It can spawn skeleton horse and enderdragons. Really cool!
On Tuesday I worked on 20 % time project. It was fun. I watched some videos and I built a about 20000 characters command in Minecraft.
the cannon looks like this. but it is not built with a block, however you can't place blocks next to it. It also can't place next to each other in 2 blocks. The cannon is really cool. Even the cannonballs are not made from tnt. It is when you drop a tnt and an iron and it turns into a cannonball. Even cooler, when you drop a cannonball and a iron(or tnt I am not sure:p), it turns into a fracture-cannonball which splits into four tnt after the first one blow up. I created a redstone infinite repeat of two droppers and automaticly created cannonballs for me. So alll I need to do is throw cannonballs on the cannon and watch them kill creepers!
this is the automatic repeater I created. The thing I am holding is the spawn egg for the cannon. The fireballs are fragment cannonballs. And the cannon is the gray thingy next to the redstone. Next time I might try to create a won command my self. But not that long though. I enjoyed this project so much!
today is the first time working with 20% time in class! I am working with command blocks right now and today I looked up a lot of videos about command blocks.
I was happy to choose this project because I like to play minecraft a lot. One interest thing I find is that commands are not that hard. I also watched searched up some commands I can use.Once I learn the commands command block can do I will start to try it, I decided to make a great server out of commands so my friends and I can enjoy it. There is a question about what the "to all entities" does. I hope I can find out what it does later on. all in all, today is GREAT!
There is a lot of projects to choose in the maker project. But what I liked the most is not from there, it is from minecraft--command blocks. What I will do with command blocks is that I will mod it. I will use commands to summon cool stuff.
It will also help the players on my server to have more fun. I like this project because I like to play Minecraft a lot. And I am also very curious about how Mineplex did all those work and built a very good server.
I want to do that one day. I might create a very big server using mod or I might just play for fun. Learn how to mod Minecraft is not going to be easy. Like I already have a mod which I created last year and have some awesome things in there. But all the codes I do is just copy and pasting. Which is very boring and I don't get to learn a lot from it. To fully understand modding Minecraft, I need to work really hard and not give up. IF I do that, I believe I will succeed and be very good at modding everything not just minecraft.